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시야 넓히기 /creative project

Art Insect Robots

Art Insect Robots
November 7 to January

Based on the BEAM robotics (Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, Mechanics) the exhibition depicts a series of over 100 small autonomous robots with different morphologies and characteristics.
A large installation shows 50 cricket-like small robots imprisoned in droplet glass shapes creating a kind of jungle sound environment. Other robots look like small trees or move around like insects.
BEAM robotics is presented here as a new kind of (artificial) life.

AIR is a development from Robotarium.

Exhibition views

Art Insect Robots
November 7 to January

Based on the BEAM robotics (Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, Mechanics) the exhibition depicts a series of over 100 small autonomous robots with different morphologies and characteristics.
A large installation shows 50 cricket-like small robots imprisoned in droplet glass shapes creating a kind of jungle sound environment. Other robots look like small trees or move around like insects.
BEAM robotics is presented here as a new kind of (artificial) life.

AIR is a development from Robotarium.

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