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The NAND gate oscillator

sune 2008. 10. 1. 03:13

Have you seen the Wonderful Wizard of OZ?

"ignore the man behind the curtain."    I'm going to whisper some words that scare most people.


Knowledge, design, control


as you start to learn how to control digital inputs, you actually start to understand how some of the "whiz-bang" electronics around you actually work.

go out and buy a copy of a monthly electronics magazine. you will actually understand more than you expect. remember,electronics is not hard, just lots of new information.


lesson24: building the NAND gate oscillator


here, just like the title says, you will incorporate the two unused NAND gates of the 4011 and build an extension onto your existing circuit. the extension will create a flashing output.


add to your breadboarded circuit. don't strip your breadboard.

here you will get some dramatic changes by adding three basic components and changing some wiring to use the other two NAND gates.

...(table L 24-1)..

there are only four points connected to ground now. make sure that input 6/5 and 9/8 are no longer connected to ground.